Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Artist Profile

My artist is called Steph, she will be a female of the age 18, I will be using Steph because she is female and this differs from all the other indie magazines due to the fact that they are mostly portrayed as a males magazine, this will get me more female readers., and she will be a home grown Leicester artist interested in instrumental music and the indie style, she writes all her own music also. She enjoys things like the latest fashion and indie clothing and gigs. She is become successful through performing at her local clubs and pubs, and just with her pure talent to sign and write music. She stays in touch with all her fans and has set up a Facebook and twitter account to promote her music, there are also lots of music videos she does herself on YouTube and Facebook to also make her profile bigger due to the fact that she is a new up and coming music artist. Her inspirations to music are people like Jamie T and she loves his style and how he writes all his own music also, she is working her way to the top and inspires to be like him and also enjoys music such as the vaccines and the wombats. As well as performing Steph would like and also gets involved with the production of her music.

Pitch and Summary

I felt that my pitch went OK, but it could have gone better. I could have written down on paper prompts and key words due to the fact that i couldn't remember anything when i stood up. My mood board was good and i used the right photography and music to get across my genre, i also used key words on the animoto mood board which included things such as my target audience and so on.
When i was asked the questions such as what is my colour scheme and how am i going to lay it out, i feel that i answered the questions fully and gave my answers across thoroughly. I had done all the research needed so knew how to answer all the questions that had been thrown at me.
Some feedback i had been given was that the name VIBE had already been taken and was i going to change it because of this, i have taken this as constructive criticism and i am going to change the name of my magazine, but i don't know what to yet.
Also they liked the idea of an INDIE magazine with a target audience of females only and of an age range of students, i will produce a magazine with a female model on the front cover this will portray my ideas.
I feel that people who are into fashion and music in general would love to buy my magazine and keep up to date with the latest trends in fashion and music.
The cost of my magazine will be quite cheap compared to others partly because I am aiming my magazine at students, even though its cheap it is still a high quality music magazine.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Typical Reader Profile...

My typical reader profile would be someone like Abbi Toone, she is 17 years old and interested in the latest trends and indie culture. She goes out a lot with friends and likes to keep up to date with the latest fashion and culture. She studies fashion design and music at college and is interested in producing music herself. She prefers non-mainstream mixed bands such as junior fencing club, the wombats and the strokes. Like most teenagers Abbi has hardly any money but when she does she prefers to spend her money on magazines that offer a unique information and that offer an indie style so she can share this with her friends. she says she would also buy subscriptions if a magazine takes to her directly. her main preferences are magazine such as dazed or spin which provide the indie style and interesting content.

Friday, 20 January 2012


research for magazines


Here are a few covers I looked at with some shots on the front which I feel look good; this has given me some ideas for the front cover of my magazine.

I also looked at different fonts and it gave me a few idears for good headlines/mastheads ect. i know that my title needs to stand out and be bold but i also know my magazine needs to be colourful but retro and indie.
I have also looked at colour pallets; here are the colour pallets that I have looked at. I feel like they are all good colours but I have chosen a blue, orange and white to give it that retro feel and the indie look.

I feel that I want a different edge to my magazine contents page so would like to do something like this but would change font’s colours and main image etc.
I would also like boxed images this gives the magazine that cleaner cut.

My double page spread would probably be an article on the artist on the front cover and some sort of profile on them, (what they get up to, gigs, specials, etc.)
or I could do something like an article.

On my front cover there will be an ‘up and coming’ new artist, preferably female, with that indie edge, and with styled clothes on to match the colour scheme and about 18 years old.
She would also be quite a close shot but mid, covering most of the page.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012





Age 18 to 24

Age 25 to 34

Age 35 to 44

Age 45 to 54

Age 55+


Age 18 to 24

Age 18 to 49

Age 25 to 49

Age 25 to 54

Median Age

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Preliminary School Magazine.

My Preliminary school magazine represents a school based magazine as it includes Lutterworth college students. I used school students in my front cover and contents page to create a friendly attraction and for readers/the audience to be intreaged in what their fellow students are doing.

The articles the magazine contains are all addressed to students at the college such as 'Cuts on EMA how will we cope!' they are all relevant to students at present.  They are current issues and interests for this particular age group.
 I looked at magazines that interest me such as, NME and Jenesis and so on, this helped me develop a sense of what I wanted my magazine to look like. Most of the magazines I looked at had a main image that was a mid-shot and had some lighting effect on the front of them or black and white effect with alterations to hue and saturation. I looked for differences in the mast heads and the different types of fonts different magazine company’s used to encourage new readers and existing ones.
 Skills I have learnt while using Photoshop, I have learnt a lot of useful techniques while working on my magazine such as when I have a photograph with a horrible background or one which hasn’t come out very good, I can simply use the magnetic tool which will allow me to carefully cut around the photo and I will then be able to move or set a solid/gradient background behind my photo with it looking good. I have also learnt that I can use hue, saturation, contrast and such to edit my photo efficiently so that it will attract readers when I want people to buy it, this is a really good editing effect.
 I managed my time efficiently when creating my preliminary piece this is a good thing as I think I met the deadline and also everything was finished with time for tweaks. I also found that I had a really good colour scheme, I used black white and orange, I felt like I used them in the right way to enable different features standout such as the mast head.


G321 CW Schedule 2012